Friday, July 2, 2010

Bacon: A Colorful Tribute

Posted by Cerella Sechrist at 8:35 AM 2 comments
By: Sadie Spencer (Heroine of the novel Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania by Cerella D. Sechrist)
I have nothing against bacon. Bacon is a perfectly acceptable means to flavor dishes, fry up crispy and eat with toast or crumble into salads and the like.

Bacon and I are friends.

But rainbow-dyed bacon? I shudder to think what Kylie would do if she thought she could dye her bacon.

If she ever tries, I plan to "tan her hide."

Ohhh, the humanity.

(Credit for this enterprising meat masterpiece goes to Neil Caldwell as witnessed on the Bacon Today website. Because I'm a chef, I find it extremely appropriate to dedicate entire websites to a single food ingredient. Why Bacon, you ask? I say...why not? Just...hold the dye on mine. Thanks.)

(To learn more about Sadie's aversion to food containing dye products, check out Love Finds You in Hershey, Pennsylvania by Cerella D. Sechrist)

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